For Better Or For Worse

In this episode’s first segment we discuss…shoot. We can’t remember any more. But then we go on to explore which fictional family we would have wanted to grow up in, and finish out discussing how much teachers should share with parents – and end up talking...

A Magic Carpet Ride into History

It’s the final episode in our series on education and of 2022. Though we weren’t kidding when we said we were a bit loopy. Moms did an inadvertent jump into the past and we had to cut a whole section because she kept referring to the year as 2020. Though maybe that’s...

Respect My Authority!

We’re taking a little break from talking about education to discuss a logical fallacy: The Appeal to Authority.  And this goes a few places we weren’t expecting. In this episode we reference a whole lot of stuff, some of it that we’ve certainly forgotten, but you...